Stop the Omnibus Crime Bill - C-10
- by: Nikki Fortier
- recipient: The Honourable Rob Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, The Harper Government
The Omnibus Crime Bill C-10 is unnecessary and unjust, and it targets the most vulnerable Canadian citizens. Thousands of additional young people, people suffering from mental illness and addiction, and people living in poverty (most of who are First Nations) are going to be imprisoned for ever longer periods of time, at colossal costs. And for what? The violent crime rate has been dropping for several years, and according to Stats Canada is at its lowest since 1973. Building more prisons and hiring more prison officers will make it more likely that thousands of young people will become hardened criminals under the tuition of their fellow prisoners. We are calling on the Harper Government to drop C-10, and reconsider a bill that does not include the introduction of mandatory minimum sentencing or ineffective deterrent strategies such as tougher sentencing, especially when concerning youth, and that focuses rather on real preventative measures such as treatment and rehabilitation programs.
We, the undersigned, are calling on a stop to the Omnibus Crime Bill, C-10.
C-10 is unnecessary and unjust, and it targets the most vulnerable Canadian citizens. Thousands of additional young people, people suffering from mental illness and addiction, and people living in poverty (most of who are First Nations) are going to be imprisoned for ever longer periods of time, at colossal costs. And for what? The violent crime rate has been dropping for several years, and according to Stats Canada is at its lowest since 1973. Building more prisons and hiring more prison officers will make it more likely that thousands of young people will become hardened criminals under the tuition of their fellow prisoners. We are calling on the Harper Government to drop C-10, and reconsider a bill that does not include the introduction of mandatory minimum sentencing or ineffective deterrent strategies such as tougher sentencing, especially when concerning youth, and that focuses rather on real preventative measures such as treatment and rehabilitation programs.
Thank you for your time.
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