NY TB Breeder Starves 177 Horses

Thursday, April 9, 2006:

One-hundred and seventy-seven (177) neglected thoroughbred horses were confiscated today from Paraneck Stables, a thoroughbred breeding farm in  Greene Co., NY., manged by Ernie Paragallo, owner of "Center Brook Farm," another thoroughbred breeding facility. 

Article;  http://www.lohud.com/article/20090409/NEWS05/904090483 

Please call the appropriate authorities as listed below to request full prosecution of this case. Remind them that animal cruelty and neglect are serious crimes and we are talking about 117 living beings here!

New York State Dept. of Agriculture & Markets
John Huntley, DVM, Director (518) 457 - 3502

New York State Police;
Coxsackie  NY 518-731-2333

Greene Co. Prosecutor,Stephen K. Haller
(937) 562 - 5250

The horses are in the care of;
 The Columbia Greene Humane Society
and SPCA; http://www.cghs.org/
Helping animals since 1955, they are a no-kill facility that receives no public support. We heartily urge you to give them support now if you are able. You can imagine the cost involved in caring for 177 severley neglected horses. I am sure anything you may be able to give, even the smallest amount, will be greatly appreciated. 

You can email them at GCHSuser001@aol.com for more information or you can make a donation through Paypal by clicking the link below;
or give by credit card over the phone. Contact Katrina or Ron at (518) 828-6044 and tell them you would like to contribute to the horse fund. 

Please also, while your at it, take a look at another petition asking New York race-horse breeders to get their breeding under control, and to provide long-term care for their retired ones;

Thanks for caring.

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