Poor meerkats are being taken from their homes in the Kalahari and used as pets throughout the world.

Many of these are happy, frolicking meerkats, minding their own business and sold as pets to people in the UK and elsewhere.

We say NO!

It's not right

Meerkats are designed for living in acres of Kalahari desert. And are content on staying put. They are not designed for living in small spaces.

Meerkats live better with other meerkats.
Meerkats live in a matriachal society, and without other meerkats they have nothing.

If your thinking of getting a pet meerkat here's something to read before you do

1) Meerkats are born to dig
Do you want your pet to destroy your furniture. Cats may do this to keep their claws in shape. But meerkats have a natural instinct to dig. For tunnels or food, it's dig-dig-dig.

2) Most meerkats are sold illegally.
Many meerkats are poached from their natural habitat as explained earlier (read all of the above.) They belong in the Kalahari and are designed to live their

3) Meerkats scent mark with their anal glands.
Cats scent mark you when they rub their cheeks against your leg in an "I own you" fashion. Dogs urinate against posts and trees to say that territory belongs to them. Meerkats are the same, so unless you want your legs to smell of a meerkat. I suggest you reconsider buying one.

4) Animals from the UK seem foreign to meerkats
Remember a meerkat has probably never seen a human before and won't know how to react. They may bite, they may run away. They've never seen a dog or cat before. They're not tamed like at the zoo where they've been near humans all their lives. Plus many UK animals carry disease, and although they may fight off an infection given to them by a ground squirrel or mongoose in Africa, their bodie won't know how to defend itself.

5) Food for thought.
What will you feed it. Do you have a supply of nutritious African scorpions and millipedes for them to eat. Meerkats don't usually eat caterpillars and European ants. They don't have the right nutritianal value anyway. I've never been to Tesco and seen "Meerkat Food," not as pets at home, not anywhere. So don't expect food to be as easy to get as you imagine.

6) If you don't like it, what will you do with it.
Abandon it, great idea piwrick, you've released an animal into an environment it's never lived in before, and you expect it to survive, good luck explaining that to the RSPCA. Kill it, even worse, you'll go to jail and everyone will hate you forever. Give it away. To who exactly?

Thank you =^.^=

Note: This petition was originally made for the UK. But now we are on a mission to get the law changed throughout the world.
We the undersigned would you to take a moment of your time to read this letter on why owning a meerkat as a pet should be made illegal in the UK and throughout the world.

Owning a meerkat is currently legal in the UK, but does that make sense. They are clearly not built for life in households, as I will explain throughout this letter.
Many people state that they would love a pet meerkat, as they would make great pets, and they're so cute. Wrong! They may be cute, but certainly do not make great pets.

Meerkats are wild animals, and are not adapted for city life, even in the countryside, there isn't sufficent food, as meerkats diet on a range of insects such as African scorpians and African millipedes. Caterpillars and European ants aren't that nutritional for meerkats, and don't have the moisture they need. (Meerkats don't usually drink much water, their moisture is in their food.) Face it, there's not really many places that sell meerkat food is there.
Also, meerkats are diggers, it's in their blood, it's in their instinct, they will dig up carpet and furniture and no-one will want this. Yet many people do not know it, and buy the meerkat before taking their time to read about them. Plus meerkats are better off with other meerkats, as they live in a matriarchal society, depending on other meerkats to find food, look for predators, lead the group, babysit the pups, fight off rival gangs etc. All this would be lost. Please, support us on this to change the law and ban the owning of meerkats under the current law of the United Kingdom. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this letter.
We hope you can support us
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