Boycott L'Oreal For Animal Testing

  • by: heather b
  • recipient: Lindsay Owen-Jones, Chairman & CEO of L'Oréal; IFAW; The Humane Society USA
They don't want to talk about it. They don't want you to know about it. But behind the glossy advertising and famous celebrities, the biggest cosmetics company in the world hides a shameful secret. Despite knowing the overwhelming public revulsion, L'Oreal continues to use thousands of animals to test upon every year. L'Oreal does not want to reveal animal testing to their customers, and they certainly don't want to reveal the disgusting range of tests carried out on the animals. In the name of vanity, animals are subjected to painful and cruel ingredient testing by the industry. Disgraceful eye irritation tests are conducted by securing rabbits so they are immobile while substances are dropped into their eyes (rabbits are used because they have no tear ducts and therefore cannot relieve the stinging and pain). Poisoning takes place whereby groups of animals are continually force-fed an ingredient until half of the group die. Other animals have their skin shaved and scraped until super-sensitive, then the ingredient is applied to test skin reaction - making sure that the poor animal cannot scratch or remove the substance. It is hard to imagine the pain suffered by these defenceless animals. But we all know how sore it can be when we get something in our eye or our skin is scraped - at least we can immediately do something to relieve the pain. Think of what it would be like if we were unable to touch or stop the pain, not just for a minute or two but for hours running into days. It's simply so disgraceful! And, we have only briefly mentioned three tests - there are a further six animal tests used by the cosmetics industry.

IF you want more information please go to and help these beautiful and wonderful animals.

The Humane Society USA

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