International Gackt Fan Fair Treatment Act

As you know, Gackt videos on Youtube and Veoh are slowly being removed by a company called "Gordie Entertainment."

Some fans have had their youtube accounts deleted at the request of Gordie Entertainment simply for having Gackt videos on their account.

Gackt interviews, Music Videos, Japanese commercials, and Promotions that International fans can only see thanks to youtube of veoh, are being deleted.

As fans, we believe Gackt should be protected, and videos that offer free download links, accounts that play a gackt concert on DVD or the movie moonchild in it's entirety in several little videos, people who claim Gackt's work to be their own, or post official videos that can be found on Gackt's official site, should be removed to protect Gackt's rights.

but also being removed are: Gackt karaoke cover songs, Fan tribute videos made with love, again - interviews and commercials that international fans can only see thanks to youtube or veoh, even a tribute video I made for my deceased father using Tsuki no Uta was deleted with the treat that my account would be deleted if I continued to "violate copyright rules."

For making a video dedicated to my deceased father, using a song I dearly love as much as I loved my father?

It is Gordie Entertainment's right to do this... but they are shutting out International fans who merely want to help promote Gackt, or show our love for his amazing music, and mean no harm to Gackt. Just because it's their right, doesn't make it "right".

International fans have been shut out of everything for too long.

I've been a fan for 5 years and we are no closer to an international fan club today as we were 5, even 10 years ago. We are not allowed to join the fan club if we are not Japan residents.

In order to get merchandise like CDs or DVDs we have to import them. an $11 cd costed me $25 to import, and it was only a regular CD. The DVD/CD combo was only available to DEARs fanclub members, of course.

Official merchandise is unavailable unless a DEARs member sells it on Ebay for 3x what it's worth. For example: A free poster is sold for $30 on Ebay.

That is how international fans get a lot of their merchandise... Ebay hand-me-downs sold for more used than they're worth new.

There is a Korean, English and Chinese page on Gackt's official site... but they are not updated. The main updates are reserved for the Japanese page.

International fans outside of Asia, do not get concerts we can attend.

Gackt was here in America with Gacktjob a few years ago for a concert... that was only attendable by the Japanese DEARs fans that came with him. American fans weren't allowed to attend, even though he was a guest in our country.

I know this sounds "Oh poor us"... well that's because it is.

international fans are tired of getting the shaft. No concerts, no official merchandise, living off Gackt hand-me-downs, now we don't even get our Gackt videos unless we're threatened with having our youtube accounts deleted.

it's about time International fans got the respect we deserved. Fans are Fans whether Japanese, Korean, Chinese, American, German, Canadian, Russian, French... so on.

Can you imagine if International Gackt fans could join the fanclub?

say 1000 international Gackt fans joined at a $36 membership... that's $36,000 extra dollars a year.

If Gackt merchandise was lisenced in other countries... he'd get royalties off of the merchandise purchased. If international fans have to buy merchandise off of Ebay... Gackt does not get credit for those purchases.

And Gackt has said that he wants to conquer the world. It's very hard to do when the world (outside of Asia) is being kept from HIM.

it would be in the best interest of Gackt financially and fufilling his dream of being loved worldwide... if we were given more credit as fans.

**UPDATE 3/2/09

to the two flamers... if you can't understand the premise of this petition, please don't sign.

also, to the one of the two flamers, no I will not lay off YOUR Gackt, because gackt doesn't belong to YOU. He doesn't belong to you, me, or anyone but himself. That means all fans are equal, and should be treated as such. That's the point of this petition. Some fans are being treated better than others, some aren't being treated at all. fans are fans and all fans should be treated equally.

no one is saying Gackt is a bad person, or that they HAVE to create an international fan club
(which, to the other flamer, is NOT hard to do as MANY international artists INCLUDING Other Japanese artists, have done it for years.

In fact I can tell you right now how it can be done, without affecting the Japanese only Dears trips, yet being fair to fans from other countries. It's not hard, not expensive, and would infact, make Gackt more money.

It also wouldn't take up much of his time or energy. we're not talking rocket science unless you're telling me that Gackt and his management aren't smart enough to handle the extra responsibility, which I doubt is the case.)

but anyway. We're not demanding a fanclub, or calling Gackt a bad person.

we're saying if Gackt's management (who is the cause of this, no one denies that), is not going to treat fans equally (or fairly), if you're not going to give us concerts, interviews, fanclubs, or official merchandise, at least give us let us keep our youtube videos.
if you two still can't understand that premise... that is your problem, please stop flaming the petition. those comments will be deleted.**
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