We Need Better Car Safety for Kids

Since 2000, over 960 children have died in non-traffic related incidents such as back-overs and window strangulation.

The overwhelmingly majority of these victims were under the age of three and in 70% of the backover fatalities, a parent or close relative was the driver behind the wheel.

But automakers could have helped to prevent a great number of tragic accidents like these. Technologies such as rear-detection and auto-reversing windows already exist but are only available in high-end vehicles.

Every car should be made with the latest child-safe technology, and not be considered a "luxury" item.

Consumer's Union and other safety groups are working with members of Congress to pass bi-partisan legislation that will establish basic safety regulations and hold automakers accountable, ensuring safety devices like rear-detection and auto-reversing windows become mandatory features in all new cars.

After all, if automakers can prevent child deaths – shouldn't drivers also be able to?

Dear Decision-Maker,

Since 1999, at least 1,000 children, mostly under the age of 4, have been killed in non-traffic auto accidents--including backing over incidents and power window entrapment. The technology exists to prevent these tragedies, but is only offered as an option on high-end vehicles!

That is why I am asking you to support bi-partisan child safety legislation, S. 1948 and H.R. 2230, the Cameron Gulbransen KIDS AND CARS Safety Act of 2005, which would require additional child safety features be included in new vehicles.

Right now, there is no federal standard that a driver be able to see what is behind them! This legislation would require a rear visibility standard to help ensure a driver can detect the presence of a child, person or object behind their vehicle. It also would ensure power windows automatically reverse direction when they detect an obstruction to prevent a child from being trapped, injured or strangled. This automatic window reversing technology is similar to that required by the federal government on millions of home garage doors.

These safety measures could save hundreds of young lives and spare parents the heartache of losing a child. It also could prevent many more children from suffering permanent injury. I urge you support this important child safety protection legislation.

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