Kids Don't Deserve Asthma: Take Action for Cleaner Tailpipes!

  • by: Sierra Club
  • recipient: EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe
When a child walks to the bus stop, she should be worried about turning in her library book before the bell rings, or if she'll get a swing at recess -- not about whether she forgot her inhaler again. Unfortunately, too many of us have to live near major roads, and all that vehicle pollution can lead to asthma and other health problems.

There is a solution. The EPA has proposed cleaner tailpipe standards that would lower the sulfur content in gasoline, reduce air pollution, save lives, and create jobs through new technology. But Big Oil doesn't want to spend that extra penny per gallon, and is putting their private profit ahead of our public health.

Stand up for children and clean air -- and against Big Oil -- and submit your official comment for cleaner tailpipe standards today!
Docket ID No. EPAHQ OAR20110135 (I support cleaner tailpipe standards!)

Dear Decision Maker,

I applaud you for proposing the Tier 3 cleaner tailpipe standards that will reduce smog-forming pollution, save lives, and improve public health. I urge you to stand up to Big Oil and finalize these strong standards as soon as possible.

Today, nearly half of all Americans live in areas where the air is sometimes unsafe to breathe, in part due to vehicle pollution. By requiring cleaner gasoline and vehicle pollution control technology, these standards will dramatically reduce dangerous pollution, preventing thousands of deaths and asthma attacks each year. The new standards will also create jobs as automakers apply advanced technologies and refineries upgrade their equipment.

I strongly support your effort to reduce smog-forming pollution from cars. I urge you to finalize these standards as soon as possible so I, and millions of Americans, will have cleaner air to breathe.
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