Straws Suck! Pledge to Say NO to plastic straws today!
Our fragile oceans are drowning in plastic waste - we need your help. Say NO to plastic straws today!
A third of all turtles now have plastic in their stomachs - and it is slowly choking them. Single-use beverage items, such as plastic straws, are the worst offenders. Small, lightweight and deceptively dangerous - plastic straws cannot be recycled, ending up in landfill - or worse... blown straight into our oceans and killing our vulnerable marine life.
We can have a future in which our turtles are safe from plastic. But we have to make a change.
You can make a big difference with one choice. On average we each use approximately 150 straws every single year. By saying NO to plastic straws you personally will stop 150 straws every year from clogging our oceans and killing our marine life. Say NO to plastic straws at cafes, restaurants and in your home.
Join our special team of plastic warriors committed to fighting plastic pollution. When you sign up to the campaign with AMCS, we will email you real ways to make a difference for our oceans.
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