Demand FairOaks Farms And Coca-Cola Stop The Forced Separations of Mother Cows From Their Baby Calves!!!!

Fairoaks farms and Coca-Cola has been caught red handed abusing, punching, and choking baby cows. Just yesterday one animal abuser had felony animal cruelty charges against him dropped. NOW comes the people and the people demand further transparency and more humane methods and procedures for dealing with the sentient cow and her offspring. We've seen the videos and heard the cries of mother cows who crave and miss their calves so very much. The science is clear. Cows that are kept with their mothers and allowed to breastfeed gain more weight and are more healthy! The only thing these babies care about in the world is where their momma is! It's a very UGLY sin to cause so much unnatural devastation to God's creations who like all animals just want to be loved. FAIROAKS FARMS AND COCA-COLA THE TIME HAS COME FOR INDUSTRY CHANGES! MAY THOSE CHANGES BE SWIFT AND WORLDWIDE! STOP SEPARATING MOTHER COWS FROM THEIR CALVES!!!!

Update #15 years ago
This petition has gone stale but Fairoaks and other farms are still ripping baby cows from their mothers. This cruelty must end and we must keep fighting for those whom cannot fight themselves. Share this petition far and wide and demand your family and friends sign it. Thank you.
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