Delaware Deserves Clean Air

  • by:
  • recipient: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The Clean Air Act holds the EPA accountable for addressing good neighbor provisions. The problem is, the U.S. Court of Appeals has vacated their request for a Cross-State Air Pollution rule. Twice.

This rule could drastically reduce emissions from dirty power plants in upwind states. For states like Delaware, which has already cleaned up all its power plants, the rule would protect the health of its citizens by keeping their air clean.

Instead, neighboring states' air pollution contributes to more than 90% of the dirty air in Delaware-- including sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxides-- and there's nothing they can do about it.

We need to help improve the air quality of more states for the sakes of their residents and neighbors.

Urge the EPA to appeal the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule to the D.C. Circuit Court or the U.S. Supreme Court!
Dear U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,

The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule may have been vacated once again, but its original intent is far from irrelevant. The citizens of Delaware deserve the air they've worked for by cleaning up in-state power plants. We need you to keep fighting so neighboring states cannot negate that work and risk the health of Delaware residents.

[Your comments here]

We urge you to consider revising the rule and appealing to the D.C. Circuit Court or the U.S. Supreme Court.


[Your name]

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