Urging you to remove Amazon.com from Care2.com due to them selling LION MEAT
Please remove AMAZON.COM completely from the Care2.com areas which support them as an affiliate, Green Thumbs Up, and the the shopping and generating donations. Amazon.com has been selling GROUND LION since 2004 on their website and we find that we cannot support this
affiliation between the 2 companies, as
Care 2 members and those concerned about this affiliation, and support that you declare the following about your company,"Care2 has a strong commitment to making a positive impact. We strive to be a leader in Socially Responsible Business - to demonstrate that business can and should play a key role in making the world a better place."
Please remove AMAZON.COM completely from the Care2.com areas which support them as an affiliate, Green Thumbs Up, and the the shopping and generating donations. Amazon.com has been selling GROUND LION since 2004 on their website and we find that we cannot support this affiliation between the 2 companies, as
Care 2 members and those concerned about this affiliation, and support that you declare the following about your company,"Care2 has a strong commitment to making a positive impact. We strive to be a leader in Socially Responsible Business - to demonstrate that business can and should play a key role in making the world a better place."
Amazon.com states as one of their rules the following: Illegal items. Items sold on the Amazon.com Web site must adhere to all applicable laws. This includes the sale or auction of items by individuals outside the United States. Some items that may not be sold at the Amazon.com Auctions and zShops sites include: Cuban cigars, stocks and securities, lottery tickets (including grab bags and raffles), illicit drugs, prescriptive devices and drugs, cable descramblers, lock-picking devices, smart cards, and any product which may lead to the production of an illegal item or
illegal activity. Packaged food that meets all applicable federal, state, and local standards for sale to consumers is permitted."
They may believe that the packaged food is permitted on their website, but we certainly do not see this as anything remotely upheld by your mission. This is where you can find the GROUND LION, click here. Many of us have and are writing to the CEO and management at Amazon.com to have this item removed. That may or may not happen, but while it is there, we would appreciate and urge you to remove them from the Care2 website as being an associate with your
This petition will also be sent to the Amazon.com CEO,Amazon.com, Inc. P.O. Box 81226Seattle, WA 98108-1226http://www.amazon.com
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