It's Time to Cancel FOX News! We will submit petitions to the major service providers after 20,000 signatures until one offers a Fox-Free channel package.

  • by: Tom Paine
  • recipient: Customers Who Do Want to Pay for FOX News in their Channel Package Subscription

The Cancel FOX News Petition

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the undersigned, are appalled to learn that we pay FOX News through a portion of our monthly subscription fees. Please immediately stop forcing us to subsidize sedition and expedite offering us package options that exclude FOX News. Also, we ask you to lower our monthly fee accordingly.

Your prompt action in this matter is greatly appreciated,

Signature (Enter Info in the box on the right)

Our Petition Rationale 

As loyal and otherwise happy customers, we are shocked to learn that you take a portion of our monthly subscription fees (@ $2 per month) and use it to subsidize FOX News. For years, we have unwittingly paid FOX News hosts, led by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and their guests, to advocate anti-democratic, pro-Russian, and seditious positions. As our President noted, Rupert Murdoch is "the most dangerous man in the world."

Do not force us to pay for Murdoch's sustained attack on our democracy, on facts, and on the truth.

Enough is enough!

If you choose to spend your own money to financially support this subversive propaganda channel fomenting insurrection there is nothing we can do to stop you. But you should not force us to do so too. 

To make us pay FOX News as part of a bundle of channels we otherwise enjoy watching is abusive and unpatriotic!

We ask you to act decisively to provide us with subscription channel packages that exclude the FOX News Channel.

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