Stop Live Exports. Tell the EU Commission: Enough is Enough

The European Commission is currently complicit in the cruelty of live animal exports. Please add your voice and tell them to take action.

Every year, millions of animals are exported from the EU to Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa. This long distance transport for slaughter or fattening is an abhorrent trade. It's beyond time for the European Commission to propose legislation that would bring this abuse and suffering to an end.

During transport over such incredibly long distances, animals may face extreme dehydration, exhaustion and hunger. Some collapse onto floors that are covered in faeces and urine, and risk being trampled by their companions. Once they leave the EU, these animals may also face inhumane, unskilled handling and unimaginably horrific slaughter.

It is within the power of the European Commission – and the Commission alone – to propose legislation to ban live exports from the EU. Please sign the petition now. Tell the EU that we will no longer stand for our animals being treated so cruelly.

Dear Commissioners,

The EU exports around three million cattle and sheep a year to Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa. We call on the Commission to propose an urgent ban on this inhumane trade.

The animals often suffer terribly during these long journeys from excessive heat, dehydration and hunger. Some collapse onto the floor of the truck where they risk being trampled by their companions. In the worst cases, many die. Slaughter in the importing countries is often horrifically cruel and breaches the international standards on welfare during slaughter, set by the World Organisation for Animal Health.

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