It's My Life: Take a Stand Today Against Captive Wildlife Tourist Attractions
It's my life! I wasn't born to be held or photographed. I am a wild animal born into captivity without a choice.
Every year, thousands of people fall for the tourist trap to "pay to play" or take photos with exotic animal cubs. These cubs are brought into this world already enslaved and destined to live in plastic crates. They're ripped away from their mothers and handled every day for hours on end by humans. Everyone involved has one thing in mind – to benefit from the life of that cub.
Cubs are considered "marketable" for photo sessions for four weeks and then are usually sold to other backyard breeders or roadside zoos. This makes it critical for breeders to pump out new batches of cubs every month. So in one year's time, they will produce 12 litters of one species, and up to 80 to 120 cubs of other species, to keep their operation going.
Every time someone poses and plays with an animal cub for a selfie, this unscrupulous industry thrives and the cubs suffer.
These cubs and their mothers are bred into a system where hundreds, if not thousands, die every year. The millions of people who jump at the chance to have their picture taken with one of these often drugged exotic cubs enables the problem and keeps these unscrupulous breeders in business.
Take a stand today against captive wildlife tourist attractions. Pledge to end such inhumane entertainment and save the lives of these precious animals!
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