Protect Penguins from the Effects of Climate Change

Penguins from Antarctica to Africa are suffering as a result of climate change.
Changing temperatures affect everything from the birds' habitats to their food supply. In their habitat of far north Antarctica, extremely warm air temperatures are causing the sea ice that Adélie penguins rely upon to melt, forcing them to move farther South.
African penguins live on rocky islands offshore of the South-western coast of Africa, and they are currently endangered. Their biggest threats are all man-made: oil pollution, habitat degradation and food availability issues that are all likely a result of climate change.
Emperor penguins are the largest (and probably best known) penguins alive today, and the only penguin species that breeds during the harsh Antarctic winter. Climate change is melting the sea ice which many colonies of emperor penguins rely on for breeding, threatening future populations.
The EPA has proposed a landmark standard for climate pollution from new power plants. This standard will help end dirty energy as we know it and keep penguins safe from the effects of climate change.
Tell the EPA you support its proposal to help curb pollution and protect penguins from the effects of climate change!
Dear [Decision Maker],
I strongly support the EPA's proposal to limit industrial carbon pollution from new power plants.
Fossil fuel burning power plants are the single largest source of dangerous carbon pollution in our nation and one of the largest in the world. And it's NOT responsible for the U.S. to have NO limits on carbon pollution from power plants!
EPA's proposed clean air standards limiting dangerous carbon pollution from coal- and gas-fired power plants will protect public health, fight climate change, and help our economy by sparking innovation in clean energy technologies.
[Your comments here]
We must protect human health, the environment and our economy from dangerous carbon pollution.
Our communities, our families and our children are counting on your leadership.
[Your name here]
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