The cruel starvation of the pet boxer dog called Roxy by her owner Katy Gammon shocked me and others to the point of anger. Dreadful animal cruelty seems to happen without our laws having any real teeth. With the RSPCA accused of being politically motovated which I do not subscribe to, they are not really being listened to by Government. I would like to see the Government look at reintroduction of the dog license again with compulsary micro chipping. This will help the likes of Katy Gammon ever owning another dog again, but can help with ending dog fighting, dangerous dog ownership and greyhound breeding and racing. Because of the strong corelation between animal abuse and domestic abuse I think in situations like this that any children born to Katy Gammon should immediately be put on the 'at risk register.' And if need be, employ more Social Workers to do the extra work! Join me if you agree with me!