The EPA Would Risk Cancer, Birth Defects, and Stunted Brain Development in Children to Protect the Dying Coal Industry

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: EPA, Trump Administration

Millions of Americans' water supplies have been put at risk of dangerous pollution thanks to a new rule from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Regulations made in 2015 to hold the coal industry accountable for protecting groundwater from toxic sewage have now been removed by the EPA under Trump.

Clean water is a human right. Sign the petition and demand that the EPA reverse these irresponsible new policies and keep U.S. water free from pollution!

The EPA and Trump would rather protect the coal industry than U.S. citizens. According to environmental groups, 95% of coal ash storage ponds are unlined. And according to other findings, over 90% of plants using coal power have detected dangerously high levels of toxic metals in surrounding groundwater. This is not a coincidence. Toxic coal sludge is polluting people's water supplies, and the EPA thinks the best next step is to make this easier with no eye to ever stopping it.

Those who live within three miles of plants using coal power are most often low-income households or people of color. While these already marginalized groups will suffer greatly, Andrew Wheeler, the EPA's administrator, proudly boasted that coal utility companies would save between $28 and $31 million a year.

Use your voice and tell Andrew Wheeler to reverse the new regulations that allow the coal industry to get away with contaminating the U.S. water supply.

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