Unblocking myspace and other journal websites for the public!

We want our myspace back!!!!

Aren't you sick and tired of not being able to go onto your favorite website(s)because the town wants to 'block' the websites to "keep younger people safe"? myspace.com is a popular favorite throughout the world and im trying to get signatures to show the town in Southington, Connecticut that the website and others like this are HARMLESS! It's the people that use it the wrong way that's going to get them into some kind of trouble!
Please sign this if you disagree with all the controversey that's been all over the news with myspace.com-Why make a perfectly great website where you can find old/new friends, listen to new music, etc.., look horribly bad when it is the user's fault for displaying out personal information online when they shouldn't be!. It could happen ANYWHERE! (chatrooms, other websites)
We the under signed want to be able to access myspace.com and other journaling websites at the public library (and possibly at schools) as we please. It is OUR right to express ourselves in our journals/websites!!!

(PLEASE keep this petition CLEAN-no swearing, ETC, Thank you!!!)
We want our myspace back!!!!

Aren't you sick and tired of not being able to go onto your favorite website(s) because the town wants to 'block' the websites to "keep younger people safe"? myspace.com is a popular favorite throughout the world and im trying to get signatures to show the town in Southington, Connecticut that the website and others like this are HARMLESS! It's the people that use it the wrong way that's going to get them into some kind of trouble!
Please sign this if you disagree with all the controversey that's been all over the news with myspace.com-Why make a perfectly great website look horribly bad when it is the user's fault for displaying out personal information online when they shouldn't be!. It could happen ANYWHERE! (chatrooms, other websites)
We the under signed want to be able to access myspace.com and other journaling websites at the public library (and possibly at schools) as we please. It is OUR right to express ourselves in our journals/websites!!!
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