Tens of Thousands of Bats Are Killed Each Year in Australia - But There Is a Simple Way to Protect Them

Every year, tens of thousands of bats fall victim to wind turbines across Australia - but it doesn't have to be this way. We can easily protect both the environment and these special animals, with just one simple change.

Recent studies have shown that just increasing the wind speed that turbines use when they start spinning could significantly reduce bat deaths. In fact, several European countries have already started using this solution, with wonderful results!

But in Australia, most wind turbines still operate by old standards that leave bats vulnerable to death. Sign the petition to demand that Australian authorities mandate the use of higher start-speeds for wind turbines to save the bats!

Currently, Australia is home to a shocking number of wind turbine-related bat fatalities. Research indicates that bats are killed at an alarming rate, with estimates suggesting that 25,000 to 50,000 bats die each year in the state of Victoria alone.

These magnificent creatures play vital roles in our ecosystem, from controlling insect populations to pollinating plants, and we must do everything we can to protect them. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, "bats are one of the most important misunderstood animals." Bats save farmers billions of dollars per year by reducing crop damage through eating insects and scattering seeds.

It's important that we continue transitioning to renewable energy sources. We must also do so in a smart, strategic way that also preserves wildlife conservation efforts.

Let's ensure that our pursuit of renewable energy is truly sustainable and humane - because it easily can be! Sign the petition to urge Australian lawmakers to protect bats by implementing wind-speed regulations for wind turbines!
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