Quebec is considering a piece of legislation that
would categorize dogs ordinary, potentially dangerous and dangerous. The problem, of course, is that calssifying a dog that way by breed doesn't actually make sense and unfairly targets bully breeds like pit bulls.
Sign on to tell Quebec you oppose this new law and instead want them to focus on universal animal laws that don't target certain breeds. I am the proud owner of a pit bull baby named Linus and I think it's ridiculous that animals like him are being all grouped together. Honestly, the way a dog is handled, raised and cared for has much more to do with whether or not they pose a risk to society. Bills that indiscriminately ban certain breeds don't have the flexibility and nuance to prosecute irresponsible owners of all dog breeds, and they punish innocent pets and their owners.
There is a
hearing next week (March 20, 21, 22), so now is the time to tell them what we think!
People should be safe in their cities and so should dogs. When cities ban bully breeds, all that ends up happening is many pit bulls and similar breeds end up dying. That is not the intended result and so the law should be re evaluated. Not to mention all the current pit bull owners in Quebec who will be forced to decide between a city where their lives are and an animal they consider part of their family.
Montreal recently changed their stance on this issue and is expected to send a brief stating that they don't think bans make any sense. But we need our voices to be heard too.
Tell Quebec you're watching and you do not want them to pass a bully breed ban.