Help more people meet guide dogs like me

I have the best job in the world – I'm a guide dog for my best friend Andre!
Andre lost his vision years ago, and he says it was really difficult at first. He had to learn how to navigate a world without vision.
But then Andre went to Guide Dogs for the Blind. He and I met, and we immediately knew we'd be an amazing team. After lots of hard work and training, I've become his loyal partner. Now we go everywhere together, and there's no limit to what Andre can do!
There are a lot of people like Andre who are waiting for a friend like me to further empower them and help them move about the world freely by harnessing the power of teamwork. Guide Dogs for the Blind is an amazing place that pairs people with life-changing canine partners. And they cover all costs – from training for people and dogs, to transportation, to veterinary care from puppyhood all the way to retirement.
If you agree that everyone like Andre deserves a guide dog like me, please sign this petition. My tail is already quivering with excitement at how many signatures we can get!
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