Stop Legislation Against Certain Dog Breeds

Many states, counties and municipal governments are turning to legislation targeting specific breeds as an answer to dog attacks. While supporters of this type of provision - commonly called breed-specific legislation - argue the only way to be safe from dog bites is to eradicate "dangerous breeds" from the community, there is little to no evidence that breed-specific legislation reduces dog bites and dog attacks.
In 2008, cities in over half of the states considered some form of breed-specific legislation. In Omaha, NE pit bulls are required to have a $100,000 liability insurance policy. And some cities like Denver and Sioux City have banned pit bulls altogether.
Sadly, a bill recently failed in Illinois that would prevent insurance companies from unfairly discriminating against consumers based on the breed of dog at their residence. And now, several cities across the country are considering some form of breed-specific legislation, including Mississippi, Massachusetts, Ohio and Washington.
Breed-specific legislation does not work and we know it. Show your dedication to stopping breed-specific legislation from being implemented across the country. The more signatures we have, the stronger our voice!
Dear [Decision Maker],
Many states, counties and municipal governments are turning to legislation targeting specific breeds as an answer to dog attacks. While supporters of this type of provision - commonly called breed-specific legislation - argue the only way to be safe from dog bites is to eradicate "dangerous breeds" from the community, there is little to no evidence that breed-specific legislation reduces dog bites and dog attacks.
In 2008, cities in over half of the states considered some form of breed-specific legislation. In Omaha, NE pit bulls are required to have a $100,000 liability insurance policy. And some cities like Denver and Sioux City have banned pit bulls altogether.
Sadly, a bill recently failed in Illinois that would prevent insurance companies from unfairly discriminating against consumers based on the breed of dog at their residence. And now, several cities across the country are considering some form of breed-specific legislation, including Mississippi, Massachusetts, Ohio and Washington.
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Breed-specific legislation does not work and we know it, dangerous dogs are not a breed. Stop breed-specific legislation because it is unfair and wrong.
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