The present changes means we are all losers as it a UK based not Manx Based on your working life and population and any one born after Jan 1954 to June 1972 are biggest losers, your work at 15 NI no longer exits in was deleted by an earlier Act, We came under NI 1965 Act which changed in 1974. The 35 years payments and paid at 67 are unsustainable by head population after around 35 to 40 years, not 70 years as Treasury Minister quoted. We need role back to have it 48 years NI for men and women paid at 65 but with the one tier system place and supplement not a copy of UK system. Sign this petition and tell your MHKs as we need a Manx State pension System not a system based from a UK failing system but our own that is sustainable . Please sign for getting a Manx State Pension System for the Manx people and the children of the future. Its your future sign the petition and have your say or lose thousands of pounds you have paid in, contact your MHKs and complain and ask for action Now Plus get them to out of the reciprecol agreement the 2011 act sect 1 as no need to have the Manx State Pension at 67 but 48 years NI for men and women paid at 65 So it time to get your MHKS to act on your behalf as the Pension Act says efects people from Jan 1960 not 1954 and there never a impacted assesement the words are hear say from Treasury Minister 1. No impacted from departments 2. No impacted from employers and there using the NI section 1 2011 Act to stop you receving your pension at 65. Plus can make a petition of grievance on Tynwald Day so ring your MHKs and make a big complaint and also I am told that you will be made to pay after you paid your 35 years into the Manx State Pension 35 years one teir system a further 15 or 16 years till state pension date but only receive a state pension based on 35 years. IE if pay from 16 your paid you 35 years max at 51 years old and be made to pay another 15 or 16 years and see nothing for those years and there no law for you to be forced to any pay payment over the 35 years max, the only way is to the 35 years system to 65 or 66 system to make it lawful.