Help us lift the Pitbull ban in Aurora, CO

I used to own a pit bull, but he sadly passed away. I would love to own another of these awesome dogs, but now that I live in Aurora, Colorado, I'm legally not allowed to own a pit bull.
Please sign my petition to tell Aurora, CO to lift its pit bull ban!
Because of this breed-specific law, I can't get a new, friendly companion for myself. Pit bulls are the nicest dogs in the world. They are gentle and are not a threat unless someone raises them poorly.

There is no evidence to suggest that certain dog breeds are more likely to harm people, yet the city has euthanized a whopping 1,100 breed-restricted dogs since the ban took effect! This ordinance is discriminatory and wrong. Laws like this do nothing to help dogs or people, they just drive more animals into shelters, homelessness, or death.
Please sign my petition to tell Aurora, CO to lift its pit bull ban!
We the undersigned urge you to reconsider Aurora, Colorado's pit bull ban. There is no evidence to suggest that certain dog breeds are more likely to harm people. This ordinance is discriminatory and wrong. Laws like this do nothing to help dogs or people, they just drive more animals into shelters and homelessness.
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