Boycott video games on Vietnam War for the duty of memory.
Boycott Vietnam War's video games!
Today dozens of videogames on Vietnam War are published.
Playing video game on Vietnam War is a shame.
It's an insult for the veterans: more than 50000 US soldiers were killed during the Vietnam War, 400000 wounded.
When you play videogames, you really thrill to play war. Do you forget that Vietnam War was a dirty war.?
Remember the death of 400 peasants, children assassinated, women raped by the us soldiers in My lai. Remember the massacre of 3000 disarmed civilians, monks, professors by the Vietcong, during the Tet offensive in Hue.
When you play videogames, you make fun of the suffering of the Vietnamese people.
B 52 bombed on Vietnam 13 millions tons of bomb, three times more than on the whole Europe during the World War II ! When you play to be a soldier have you ever been thinking that war killed above all civilians? More than 4 millions civilians died or were wounded.
When you play video game you don't care of the Vietnamese who lost their liberty after the end of the war.
Vietnam War wasn't a game: there was no Happy End.1.5 millions Vietnamese were sent in re-education camps, the Vietnamese gulag. 2 millions people left their country on little raft, being massacred by Philippians pirates and the storms of China Sea.
After all the Vietnam war ended 30 years ago. Why couldn't we have fun with Vietnam War? WWII was a horrible war too but we don't feel ashamed to play video game you can say.
Vietnam war is not like WWII because Vietnam War today still kills people TODAY.
72 millions litters of toxic dioxin were spread on Vietnam. That's why 100000 Vietnamese are dying now of cancer, every day children born with malformations: some of them don't have arms of legs. Some US soldiers are suffering of cancer TODAY too.
There is a duty of memory. You must respect the veterans. You must respect the Vietnamese children that are suffering NOW. Why do you want to play to a dirty war?
Protest against Vietnam War's video games!