Crack Down On Canned Hunts!

Put a Lid on Canned Hunts
If you don't know what a canned hunt is, you're not alone. The folks who run these operations don't want people like you to see them -- ever. That's because the operators of canned hunts charge trophy hunters a fee to shoot captive, exotic animals at close range. Many of these so-called hunters have little experience with a rifle. The animal suffering can be extreme.
Urge your U.S. senators and representative to crack down on the more than 1,000 commercial canned hunting operations across the country, which allow trophy hunters to kill exotic animals such as African lions, giraffes and blackbuck antelope who never even have a chance to escape. There is neither sportsmanship here nor ethics, only a desire to make money off the killing of captive animals.
Ask your senators and representative to co-sponsor the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act of 2005 to halt the interstate traffic of exotic animals for the purpose of hunting and trophy collecting.
Please crack down on "canned hunts," the abhorrent practice of confining tame, exotic animals in an enclosed space and shooting them at close range.
At more than 1,000 commercial canned hunt operations across the country, trophy hunters pay a fee to shoot captive exotic animals, from African lions to giraffes and blackbuck antelope, in fenced-in enclosures.
If hunting is to be allowed, hunted animals should at least have an opportunity to avoid the hunter!
Please co-sponsor the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act of 2005 to halt the interstate traffic of exotic animals for the purpose of hunting and trophy collecting.
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