We DEMAND a full and proper search of the Boynton Drive address and Surrounding Areas for Noah Brandon Davis!

In October of 2019, remains of Noah Davis were located in a 'wooded area' off of Boynton Drive, in Ringgold, Georgia.

In June of 2021, the remains were confirmed, and on July 28th 2021, we in his family were notified.

Yet, not even 2% of his remains were located, and even after confirmation, NO FUTHER SEARCH has been commenced!

We the undersigned hereby demand a full and proper search with any and all outside possible agencies to be completed WITH the families help or involvement, OR with full transparency on the discovery of any further!

Update #13 years ago

I went down to the Sheriff's Office today (of course, he wasn't available) and turned a copy of this petition, and the handwritten signature version, along with a letter, into Sheriff Sisk. (via his Secretary) The total of signatures turned into the Sheriff today is 813! A GREAT number for just a few days!

..tomorrow, the D.A.

THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING SO FAR, and your continued support!!

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