Trump's put Yellowstone's grizzlies in the crosshairs of trophy hunters

Trump's put Yellowstone's grizzlies in the crosshairs of trophy hunters.
These beloved bears had been safe from trophy hunters for the past 40 years. But last summer Trump stripped them of their Endangered Species Act protection. Now state officials in Wyoming are dead set on letting trophy hunters gun down 22 grizzlies that wander out of the national park. More than half of them could be females, including those pregnant with cubs.
It's all part of a trigger-happy culture that fetishizes the thrill-killing of endangered wildlife.
It has to end.
Today grizzlies occupy less than 5 percent of their historic range in the lower 48. Trump never should have stripped their protections. Without them in place, few grizzly bears from Yellowstone will ever find their way to other grizzlies in the region — a crucial step for their recovery.
Shooting grizzlies that wander out of Yellowstone National Park is despicable. These iconic bears need to be protected, with space and freedom to roam throughout their habitat — not gunned down so their heads can go on some trophy hunter's wall.
We simply can't allow grizzlies living around Yellowstone to go extinct. Wildlife belongs in the wild, not hanging over a fireplace or on a living-room floor.
Sign the Center for Biological Diversity's petition to stop the slaughter of grizzlies.
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