Many pet owners are forced to give up their loving pets because of the discrimination of many land owners. Please sign and share this petition everywhere to demand that California pass a law that bans landlords from discriminating against pitbull dogs, forcing families to give up their loving pets.
Just recently, a family by the name of the Devia’s of Walnut Creek, California both fell on hard times and lost their jobs. As a result, their lost their currently dwelling placing, forcing them to find a new place to live. Their family consists of two older children and their two dogs that have been members of the family since they were puppies.
The problems occurred when the Devia’s state that one of their dogs, Rocco, is a pit bull breed. Landlords will not give the family a second thought when finding out about Rocco, a clear sign of discrimination. Everyone tries to convince the Devia family to give up their dogs or at least Rocco but Mrs. Devia states that “We can’t do that. We’ve had Camilla [a lab mix] her whole life and Rocco her whole life.”
An animal organization known as BADRAP trying to help the family temporarily by providing some low-cost pet-friendly hotel stays throughout the winter until bed bugs presented a huge problem for the family. They felt they would rather stay in their cars and live as a homeless couple rather than face such horrifying conditions and discrimination. Their older boys are staying with friends.
This is such a horrifying story that is all too common when it comes to the pitbull dog breed. This species of dog has gained a cruel and untrue reputation. Advocates hope that hard facts will help improve the public’s perception of the breed. Each dog should not be judged by reputation by pet-by-pet according to how it was bred and raised from puppyhood by loving owners opposed to abusers.
After testing 400 pit bulls, the American Temperament Society found that 86.8 percent of them had low aggression, panic and avoidance. They were second in "most tolerant" only to Labrador retrievers in the study. Studies also show that 84 percent of pit bulls involved in fatal attacks were neglected or abused, suggesting that their aggression is not necessarily innate.
The Devia’s were willing to take out insurance on their dog in order to keep her and prove how loving and caring a pet she really is. They are working to stop housing discrimination and breed-specific legislation. Please sign and share this petition everywhere to demand that California pass a law that bans landlords from discriminating against pitbull dogs, forcing families to give up their loving pets.
California State Legislators – Please pass a law within your state that bans landlords from discriminating against pit bull dogs when renting to families. It is shameful that any family should have to give up their precious pet they have raised from puppyhood because landlords judge it according to reputation. Have them follow protocol if necessary with references and background checks, as is with any potential tenant but it should be a crime to turn someone away to live in the streets and give their family member away due to reputation and discrimination. Please implement and enforce a law that bans landlords from discriminating against pit bull dogs. As dedicated family dogs, they deserve to live their lives out with those who raised them properly.
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