Ukraine. Ilyichevsk. HELP DOGS!!! STOP the MACHINE OF DEATH!!!

  • by: Alyona Vovchenko
  • recipient: Hmelnyuk Valery Yakovlevich. Mayor Ilyichevsk, Odessa region. Ukraine.
Mr. Valery Yakovlevich. The public of our city, it became known about the conclusion and signing of the contract by you with the German Shelter of Protection of Animals (Adres:ukrain, 65033, Odessa

The 6th kilometer of Ovidiopolskaya Road,, about catching of homeless animals of Ilyichevsk, and their sterilization in the German Shelter. Further, return of animals to a former habitat. But the car which is engaged in catching of homeless animals for their sterilization in a shelter, is engaged in their MURDER!!!!! Dogs, don't reach a cat to a shelter!!!!! Them kill gas, and then nippers take out their corpses from ДУШЕГУБКИ!!! The photo of the killed dogs (, Is pictures 19.04.2012РіРѕРґР°. The signed contract is a pretext to close to the civilized population of our city of an eye on an old problem, the relation to our brothers smaller! At us not all is good and humane! Actually, someone very much wants, that all of us became silent accomplices of crimes, MURDER!!! It won't be!!! We, defenders of animals, call for humane treatment of our brothers smaller! We very much want to grow up kind and careful children! Which will know that such SYMPATHY, COMPASSION, KINDNESS AND MERCY!!! We DEMAND to STOP MURDER of ANIMALS!!! STOP WHILE THE GETTING IS GOOD THIS INFERNAL CAR!!! We collect the vital signatures to keep innocent Souls, in anything not guilty animals! Let's remind that in December, 2011 (06.12.2011), near Ilyichevsk, the burial ground for the vagrant dogs killed by fleecers was found!!!The real concentration camp for vagrant dogs was found by defenders of animals near Ilyichevsk. Volunteers managed to fix on video of action of fleecers which killed, and then tried to bury tens dog corpses secretly.

To catch fleecers «on hot» it was possible to volunteers of the Odessa union of protection of animals — they reported that in this place throw out dead dogs. Having seen children, murderers of animals retired.

Getting away from volunteers on the car, fleecers lost the container filled with dog corpses. Defenders of animals caused militia and veterinary service. Those established — to puppies simply curtailed necks. And here is how killed adult dogs — it is not known yet.

Yury Leshanov, veterinarian: seen damage isn't present — gunshot wounds. Perhaps, poisoned with chadny gas.

Olga Payevskaya, inspector of the Ovidiopolsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Odessa region: materials will be sent to a call center where on them the decision as the law further will be made.But even more corpses found in a burial ground located nearby in landing. It seems that the killed of dogs here illegally dump for a long time. Who it does — it is not known, the head of Molodyozhnensky settlement council on what balance there is a skotomogilnik declares.

Vasily Guljaev, chairman of Molodyozhnensky settlement council: who throws off them — it illegally. We can't trace, when who brings them from the next territories. But we with anybody didn't sign the contract. It is a hole for pets — veterinarians examine, and if there is no epidemic — dump there and fill up with bleaching powder.

Most likely, dogs brought from the city of Ilyichevsk located nearby — in the next villages simply there is no such quantity of dogs. Now the militia establishes to the identity of fleecers. Besides, volunteers managed to fix number of the car of sadists. Children tell — they will achieve punishment for these people.

Olesya Kulchitskaya, representative of the Odessa union of protection of animals: everywhere to write — especially against these cruel murders in Kiev. We are going not to leave it because to remain savages — well already here here sits. Criminal case upon massacre of dogs near Ilyichevsk is brought

The Odessa militiamen brought criminal case upon murder of dogs in the village Youth near Ilyichevsk. About it today reported in the press service of the regional Department of Internal Affairs. By results of the carried-out veterinary examination it was established — animals poisoned with poison. The investigation is carried.

Let's remind, the real concentration camp for vagrant dogs was found by defenders of animals. Volunteers managed to fix on video of action of fleecers which killed, and then tried to bury tens dog corpses secretly. (Reference address: we URGE to STOP MURDERS!!!  Photo I spread REFERENCES.

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