Demand Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws, Charges & Penalties in Ohio & Stop the Abuse

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Ohio State Legislators

There is great concern as to when the abuse and cruelty of animals is going to cease and unless laws, charges and penalties have more impact on society, the crimes of innocent, defenseless animals will continue.  In Ohio, it appears that such offenses meet with minor misdemeanors and an occasional felony, depending on the situation.  You can read more at,,

The state of Ohio implemented a bill known as Nitro’s Law in an effort to hold those who intentionally and maliciously abuse animals accountable for their actions. It is highly commendable that Ohio State Legislators have taken a step in the right direction but so much more needs to be done for the protection of animals. Nitro’s law came into effect when 19 dogs found dead or near death at a kennel in Youngstown, Ohio. The animals, found in abhorrent living conditions, were suffering from starvation and severe dehydration. Despite the severity of this situation, the abusers only received a misdemeanor. And this is only one of many such cases!

In order to have more of an impact and protect all animals statewide, I propose that any and all crimes of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect meet with Class B felonies for first time offenses with subsequent strict penalties.  Such penalties need to include longer jail sentences, higher fees, possibly acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal sales, care, breeding and treatment. Additionally, such abusers need to be banned for lifetime working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their life. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it should be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust. 

The effort in this petition is to urge the Ohio State Legislators to move forward with Nitro’s Law that would commence with Class B felonies in addition to ensuring that any and all crimes of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect meet with Class B felonies for first time offenses with subsequent strict penalties.  There should never be a reason for second chances because it is never feasible to harm an animal.  You can support me and my efforts by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas and comments for the protection of animals.

Ohio State Legislators – I highly commend you for your efforts in passing Nitro’s Law which is a step in the right direction but so much more needs to be done for the protection of animals. After so many horrific cases of animal cruelty, the offenders are only slapped with misdemeanors!  I strongly urge you to ensure that any and all crimes of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect meet with Class B felonies for first time offenses with subsequent strict penalties.  Such penalties need to include longer jail sentences, higher fees, possibly acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal sales, care, breeding and treatment. Additionally, such abusers need to be banned for lifetime working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their life. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it should be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.  The only way to stop the abuse is to make tougher laws, charges and penalties that will have an impact on society!

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