End the Senseless Slaughter of Hundreds of Yellowstone Bison

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Interagency Bison Management Plan Committee
The Shoshone had a word for the wild bison around Yellowstone National Park: "bozheena." Come winter, though, hundreds of these majestic creatures will be better described by a different phrase — namely, "dead meat."

Federal, state, and tribal officials overseeing the Interagency Bison Management Plan for Yellowstone bison now plan to kill as many as 1,250 Yellowstone bison this winter.

Some animals will be hunted once they leave the safety of the park in search of food. Others will be corralled in small pens and slaughtered. A few will be shipped off to new lives on tribal lands.

Each year, government officials kill many of these native animals to allay ranchers' misguided fears. It's time for this senseless slaughter to end.

Hunted to near-extinction in the late 19th and early 20th century, the reintroduction of bison to Yellowstone was a watershed moment in the movement to protect America’s wildlife and wild places. These mighty creatures are the nation’s official mammal and remain a central part of many Native American cultural traditions.

Your signature today can make a powerful difference for bison. By adding your name, you’re providing a powerful public show of support for bison recovery and an end to the needless killing of one of America’s most iconic animals.

Add your name now to stop the senseless killing of these beautiful animals and urge members of the Interagency Bison Management Plan committee to call off the 2017-2018 Yellowstone bison slaughter.
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