Don't let Trump bankrupt Social Security!

Donald Trump's superpower seems to be making things go bankrupt. And if he gets into the White House, it looks like Social Security will be next:

New report says Trump proposals could drain Social Security in 6 years

A new report out this morning confirms: Donald Trump will gut Social Security. 

The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget's new report concludes that Trump's Project 2025 agenda will rapidly drain Social Security and cut benefits for seniors by a third – posing such a dire threat to Social Security that the organization's director couldn't recall "'anything that would be this order of magnitude' in its detrimental effect on Social Security's bottom line."

This isn't surprising from Trump, who called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme," and repeatedly put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block as president.  It comes as, earlier this year, Trump said "there's a lot you can do… in terms of cutting" Social Security and Medicare.

This is in stark contrast to plans proposed by VP Harris, ones aimed at keeping Social Security safe for decades to come.

Don't let Trump bankrupt Social Security.  Add your name to show your opposition, spread the word, and speak out against Trump's plans to destroy this critical and cherished program.

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