Louis Vuitton: Please stop selling animal skin products!

Louis Vuitton sell expensive, "luxury", designer clothing, often for thousands of pounds. However, a lot of these products have reptile skin, real fur, leather or lambskin. Real fur, reptile skin, leather and (possibly) lambskin can all be be linked to animal cruelty.

On farms, crocodiles have their necks cut open and rods rammed down their spines. They may be skinned whilst still bleeding and moving.

On fur farms, animals like minke are kept in cruel cages, only to then be killed by lethal injection, neck-breaking, beating, gassing or poisoning for their fur.

Leather is also linked to animal cruelty. Cows in India are sometimes bought from poor Hindu families, with promises that they will be looked after properly, only to be marched to Bangladesh, Pakistan or another Indian state where cattle slaughter is allowed. If a cow falters or collapses, hot chilli powder may be rubbed into their eyes or the bones in their tails may be broken in order to get them moving.

Leather makes up for half of all profits for slaughterhouses that slaughter cattle. Leather is a no-no for some vegetarians and vegans.

Please, please stop selling the skins of other *sentient* beings and kindly ask that all of your suppliers send their current animals to sanctuaries and/or sell them to good homes where they will be loved, treated with kindness, cared for properly and not sent to slaughter or otherwise subjected to unnecessary violence. With so many faux alternatives to animal skin, and with so many celebrities and other people for animal rights, why still sell animal skin products?

Thank you 😊 to the moon and back.
Have the best day and night ever!

Update #14 years ago
Hello Signers,
Thanks for signing. Now, please (kindly and politely) contact Louis Vuitton to urge them to stop selling and using animal skins and become a 100% vegan company. Here are some links to use to contact them:



https://m.facebook.com/LouisVuitton (If you could both post on their Facebook page and message them via Facebook, that could be even more effective).
Thank you 😊.
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