Save Santiago Canyon

  • by: Bill Bostick
  • recipient: Orange County Planning Commission

Do you live in the Canyons? Do you like to visit the wild OC? Do ride a bike on Santiago Cyn Rd?

You need to know what's going on behind the scenes that will affect the rural aspects of Santiago Canyon!

Right now large landowners are petitioning OC Planning for urban sprawl developments such as the Rutter "SADDLE CREST" 65 homes along Santiago Road. The developer has asked the County of Orange t

o make numerous amendments to the Foothill Trabuco Specific Plan as well as the County General Plan in order for the development to be accepted. The canyon communities and other Orange County residents have joined hands together in an effort to "Save Santiago Canyon".

Proposed amendments will:
1. transform the rural character of the area and allow for cluster urban sprawl
2. destroy 151 oak trees on the property and change the tree mitigation policy
3. change the requirement for open space dedication (will no longer have to be "natural" open space)
4. allow for a more lenient county traffic analysis that will endanger users

What can YOU do?

1. View the draft Environmental Impact Report for SaddleCrest at: If you have trouble viewing the document, contact Channary Leng at or John Moreland at 

2. Please take the time to provide written comments on the EIR, which are due by June 4. Let the County know that you oppose this type of development in the rural canyons and that you oppose this egregious assault on our Foothill Trabuco Specific Plan. Send comments to Channary leng and John Moreland email addresses above.

3. please try to attend the Saddle Crest OC Planning "workshop" Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 1:30 P.M.
333 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
(10 Civic Center Plaza)
Santa Ana, CA 92703

Thank you!

This is the text of the actual petition letter.

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