Please help to end one of the worst forms of animal cruelty in our Province.

Countless people leave dogs chained 24/7, some even without food & water. Many animals perish in the ice and snow, and in the blistering heat of summer. Until the laws are changed, we are forced to look away as it is still legal.

A lot of this could be solved with spaying/neutering, public education, and organization to build fences so people don't feel the need to chain up their dogs.

We need your help, your voice, and your caring heart to all come together to let our Province know we need the laws changed. Together we can make a difference!

This is not directed to people who tie their dogs out for fresh air or bathroom breaks. This is directed for the poor souls chained 24/7. The only time they get off their chain is when they die or break free. Please sign and be their voice.

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