We want to #StopSabalTrail pipeline, a natural gas pipeline that will threaten the karst geology, lands, waters (including aquifers, watersheds, rivers, springs, ponds, wetlands), our environment and flora & fauna in three states. Over 160 eminent domain lawsuits have been filed. Citizens' properties are being seized to complete this project. Most of the people that live closest to the pipeline are not even aware that it is being installed.
Natural Gas would be transported on commuter trains and the entire system will consist of staging areas, compressor stations and areas to process and export the natural gas. One of the latter is close to a nuclear power plant. This puts lives in danger. The human impact cannot even be estimated at this time and could occur from mistakes such as work hazards, accidents, leaks, derailments and possible explosions. 
There are no contingency plans or evacuation procedures in place for citizens living, going to school or working near the pipeline or associated facilities.
Florida's only industry, tourism, will be negatively impacted. The people who own property/real estate near the pipeline will not be able to sell it for $1. Our own governor has investments in this pipeline and wants to see this project through to completion. Grants are being given to environmental organizations and to colleges so their activists, scientists and experts will remain silent. Florida residents are left holding the bag for what is to come.
We are citizens that have come together to attempt stop/halt the pipeline with Spirit Camps and a huge groundswell of grassroots support. Like STANDING ROCK and NO DAPL participants, we are unified in stopping this pipeline.
We don't have much time, perhaps weeks as Sabal Trail under Spectra and other parent Big Oil and Gas companies have already broken ground in three states: Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Property owners are having their lands seized now. The pipes are being installed rapidly and in multiple locations throughout the three states. The workers are being documented and are not following their own procedures or regulations. This puts all of us in danger right now and into the future. This pipeline is expected to be operational by May of 2017.
It is important to note that this pipeline has been APPROVED.
We need to move forward in an attempt to save what we have in this unique region.
We all want the same things for our families. Clean lands, pure water and air, properties untainted by chemicals or gasses, an ability to farm, safety for our children, animals, plants and endangered species so they can all thrive. We want to leave the beauty of this region even better for the next generations.
Please sign and share.
We probably won't have a second chance to get this right.
Thank you.
TAGS: #stopsabaltrail #nosabaltrail #waterislife #sacredwatercamp #NoDAPL #mniwiconi #nopipelinesever #rezpectourwater #standwithstandingrock 
We are in solidarity with #StandingRock!

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