Ebay Kleinanzeigen : Stop trading in live animals, animal trophies and fur

  • by: Animallover Rose
  • recipient: Ebay Kleinanzeigen, Tierschutzbund, BMU, BMEL, Die Gruenen, CDU, V-Partei

The online platform Ebay Kleinanzeigen allows the trade in live animals, animal trophies and fur.

Ebay Kleinanzeigen support the illegal animal trade.

Buyers can hardly verify the identity of traders, nor can they verify the animal's history so far.

Often there are nasty surprises, for example if the new puppy is suddenly sick because it came from illegal breeding abroad.In addition, the animals are usually offered at ridiculous prices. This carries the risk that an animal will suffer from poor rearing conditions throughout its life or - if the buyer's expectations are not met - be brought into the shelter or abandoed the pets.
With the trade in animal trophies and fur, Ebay Kleinanzeigen promotes hunting and the wildlife trade.

I urge Ebay Kleinanzeigen to stop trading in live animals, animal trophies and fur immediately.

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