Speak Out Against The Murderous Duterte Presidency

"Hitler massacred three million Jews ... there's three million drug addicts [in the Philippines]..... I'd be happy to slaughter them." Those are the words of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

The leader of the Southeast Asian country came to power thanks to his hardline anti-drug anti-crime platform. But no one knew then, the day he took office, that he would be the one committing crimes. In the 16 months since he has taken office he has presided over the extrajudicial killings of nearly 4,000 people. Some estimates go as high as 12,000.

The murdered were not given a chance to prove their innocence. Instead, death squads, under the order of President Duterte, sought out anyone thought to be a involved in the drug trade and summarily murdered them with impunity.

Instead of shunning Duterte and the campaign of death his regime has unleashed on his own people, world leaders opted to reward him by attending the 2017 ASEAN Summit held in Manila. Leaders from Australian PM Malcolm Turnball to U.S. President Donald Trump shook Duterte's hand, giving him the legitimacy he so much desires.

But the slaughter happening in the Philippines at his behest of Duterte is anything but legitimate. And we should demand that our leaders speak out against the crimes against humanity that are happening on the island nation.

Add your name to the list and demand that world leaders stop turning a blind eye to the slaughter and speak out for what is right. Sign to urge our leaders to demand that the killings stop now.

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