Demand a More Flexible Meal Plan!

In a recent interview process we went through, a group of us discovered that a variety of different Big Ten colleges had a much more affordable and flexible meal plan for students. So we went to the people and asked college students of all kinds at UNL, what they thought about our meal plan. Almost everyone who was a sophomore and above did not renew their meal plan because they were unsatisfied with the price due to the forcing of people either choosing a 5 or 7 day and would rather go with other options. Even freshman were not satisfied with the quality and variety of food, and said if they were not required to have a meal plan they wouldn't. Yet when we asked people these questions we also asked them what they would change, many agreed that a system based on paying for an amount of scans would be a better system for the UNL meal plan. It would save people money if they only want to use their plan a few times a week instead of everyday for every meal, and even freshman believed this would be a good system so if they didn't eat breakfast or dinner some nights they would be saving money. Either way the people have spoken and the people want change, please do us a favor and switch to swipe. #switchtoswipe

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