Demand Bob Le Chef to create and serve vegan meals at the "Festival Du Bacon"

It is time for the citizens of Quebec to convert to a vegan lifestyle and help save as many animals as possible as well as save our planet. As we are all aware, the major cause of global warming is from farm factories which emits 51% of gas emissions into our atmosphere. Also, animals suffer immensely from the time they are born until the last seconds of their horrifying and painful deaths. The Province of Quebec has its share of slaughterhouses and Quebecers must do their part in shutting down these "abattoirs".

Quebec celebrity Bob Le Chef is known for his famous meat recipes and recently has created vegetarian recipes which you can find on his website. I strongly believe Bob Le Chef could extend his food creations to vegan and present these masterpieces at the "Festival du Bacon" to be held in the City of Sherbrooke, Quebec on May 21 and 22, 2016. The lives of many sensitive animals depend on everyone to move on to a lifestyle of compassion and kindness.

Please send polite and encouraging messages to his email address as follows: or  You can find him on Facebook under Bob Le Chef.

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