I live in Caraway AR in a government housing authority. The issue is that at these apartments just a year ago people were able to own more than one pet and now they changed it to just one. Some people might not be bothered by this considering they don't live here or own any pets, but to a loyal pet-owner like myself this is a VERY big issue. I have 2 cats and 2 kittens. Softpaws and Baby cat are the cats and they've been inseparable since Birth and same goes towards the kittens. There are plenty of other things to be worried about than a harmless cat. There are adults that live in these apartments with un-disiplined kids who tear up their apartment by the day, but the people are more worried about somebody having more than one animal. Not just that but some even have more people living at their house than the people who own these places know about. I got a letter in the mail a few days ago saying we have until March the 8th to get rid of all but one cat and the cat that I keep has to have vet records and be fixed. I see my cats as people not pets and many people fail to realize animals have feelings too. I shouldn't have to abandon my animals when there are bigger problems to worry about. Since I received the letter I've been worried sick and depressed because I have 5 days to figure something out or I get kicked out
By making and signing this petition I am hoping the people in charge at the caraway housing authorities consider this and change the rule about owning one pet per household. Getting rid of my other cats and having to choose one is like a mother having to abandon all of her children except for one. If they are worried about an owners pet destroying their house then they should be worried about dogs if anything.
I live in Caraway AR in a government housing authority. The issue is that at these apartments just a year ago people were able to own more than one pet and now they changed it to just one. Some people might not be bothered by this considering they don't live here or own any pets, but to a loyal pet-owner like myself this is a VERY big issue. I have 2 cats and 2 kittens. Softpaws and Baby cat are the cats and they've been inseparable since Birth and same goes towards the kittens. There are plenty of other things to be worried about than a harmless cat. There are adults that live in these apartments with un-disiplined kids who tear up their apartment by the day, but the people are more worried about somebody having more than one animal. Not just that but some even have more people living at their house than the people who own these places know about. I got a letter in the mail a few days ago saying we have until March the 8th to get rid of all but one cat and the cat that I keep has to have vet records and be fixed. I see my cats as people not pets and many people fail to realize animals have feelings too. I shouldn't have to abandon my animals when there are bigger problems to worry about. Since I received the letter I've been worried sick and depressed because I have 5 days to figure something out or I get kicked out
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