Tell courts ALL ballots sent by Election Day must be counted!

  • by: OD Action
  • recipient: U.S. District and Appellate Court Judges

This summer, Trump launched an all-out assault on USPS, installing a new Postmaster General (and big Trump donor), who changed operating procedures with the singular goal of slowing down mail delivery. He did this during a pandemic, knowing a record number of Americans (especially Democrats) would be voting by mail this year.

Then the GOP finished the job by fighting all election adjustments designed to make voting easier and safer – including stopping states from counting ballots received after Election Day even if they're postmarked by November 3rd.

Add your name to demand that judges recognize how this pandemic + Trump's sabotage have drastically reduced our voting access – and accept all ballots postmarked by Election Day!

There is ZERO evidence of Trump's claims of widespread election fraud...but the GOP uses it as an excuse to keep the people who would vote them out from casting those votes or getting counted.

Now, we're facing nationwide voter suppression against Democrats, as millions of ballots mailed well before November 3rd but caught up in the USPS slowdown won't be counted...unless the courts act fast.

Sign here to tell courts to protect voter rights by accepting and counting ALL ballots postmarked by November 3rd.

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