Outlaw the Gas Chamber for Shelter Dogs and Cats!
- by: lee day
- recipient: president obama and united states senate
If an animal has to be euthanized in a shelter, it should be done in the most humane way possible. And trapping dogs and cats who can't find homes in tiny gas chambers and letting them suffocate to death is certainly not the solution.
Euthanasia via gas chamber is still legal in 30 states, despite its clear cruelty to animals. When dogs and cats are shoved into the hot, tiny boxes, they have no idea what's going on. All they can hear is the hiss of the gas; all they can see is darkness. They panic. If they're shoved in the chamber with other animals, they frequently attack them out of fear.
As they slowly suffocate, their minds growing dark, it can take them up to 30 minutes to die, in pain and terror.
This barbaric, outdated practice needs to be outlawed immediately. Sign the petition to ban the use of gas chambers for euthanasia in all 50 states.
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