Approximately 2.4 million innocent animals in the U.S. are put down if they do not find a home (about 1 every 13 seconds).
These defenseless animals in pet stores sit in tiny cages their whole life only to be put to sleep if they are not purchased by a certain time. Their living conditions are filthy and miserable -- they live in their own feces because they do not get the proper care that they deserve. Go to any local pet-store near you and you will see this for yourself first hand.
A majority of these puppies are breeded through puppy-mills. Puppy-mills are large scale commercial dog breeding operations that focus on profit over the well-being of the dogs. These breeding practices are operating all over the U.S. and create intense suffering of these dogs. Puppy-mills are unethical & irresponsible and should be illegal.
These helpless animals should have a right to live a sanitary, healthy and happy life to the fullest without being put to sleep. Let's all work together and take action to end this cruelty to innocent animals in pet-stores all across the country.