The Vishnu Kovil of Kaleniya, Colombo Sri Lanka is in the process of "training" a young elephant to carry out duties of the kovil. As part of the training, the spirit and will of the animal is broken thus rendering them docile and manageable. Elephants as you all know are highly intelligent and social animals and thus the breaking of their spirits is all the more cruel. This particular elephants four legs are chained (the back legs together to make him immobile) and is forced to stand and sit on command by prodding him with the steel tipped rod that mahouts use to control the animal. Activist in Sri Lanka who have seen this animal is saying that he is bleeding from all over. Apparently the Minster in charge of the Wildlife Dept has sent a team check on the animal but on a tip-off the elephant has been taken away and hidden. THUS this petition is being directed to the Head Priest of the Kovil. Thank you for taking the time to save this elephant and to put an end to his suffering.