Many African leaders have fought previous governments which they termed as dictators .Giving reasons that they over stay in power and therefore,it is the reason why they have to resist and fight them.This process of fighting those so called regimes brought untold sufferings to millions,resulting into deaths and destruction of infrastructure and property.However, after taking power by force of the arms, they themselves have now stayed in power for over 31 years like in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Angola ,Burundi where killings have been reported in thousands because Nkurunziza defied the constitution and wants more years in office.etc.The African Union has been used as a camouflage to protect and condone the acts of brutality that these so called leaders(read rulers ) afflict the citizens of these country with.They have even threatened to walk out of the International Criminal Court jurisdiction for trying sitting presidents.On the link below you will get my point when I wrote "Breaking The Spiral Of Silence " nine months ago and my entry point to this topic of "Ensuring Peaceful Transition In Africa Is The way Forward " Managing peaceful transitions and focusing on the life beyond the Presidence is the remedy to the bad politics . Overstaying in power is a recipe for failed government, vulnerability to genocide and civil strife,poor service delivery, and stagnant growth and development of those countries.It is sad that the freedom of expression, speech and liberty are muzzled in the process.People are impoverished in abject poverty, detained for longer periods or charged because of flimsy charges, killed in a manner to intimidate others who may oppose them , like what took place on 26th November 2016 in Kasese district of Western Uganda where an estimated 600 people were massacred in cold blood after they had run to seek for refuge into the Kings palace.
Picturial evidence of Kasese Massacre in Uganda
The figures given were controversial some saying 210,200 and others 100 .But it is believed that there were children and women among those in that palace but their bodies were not shown apart from those of young men and women who were striped naked regardless of the claim to champion women emancipation and rights in Uganda..In appreciation the government rewarded the reckless, inhuman,brutal Brigadier General
Museveni meets Kabila in Kasese, August 4, 2016; Massacres of civilians in Kasese
DICTATORS: #Uganda's #Museveni ordered #Kasese massacre
Brig. Peter Elwelu who commanded the attack on the palace
Kasese attack was a massacre, says Gen Kayihura at burial
CDF Wamala Distances Self from Kasese Massacre
Elwelu Must Suffer the Consequences of Kasese Massacre — Kasirye Gwanga
More pictures in summary about Kasese Massacre
who massacred defenseless and innocent citizens with a promotion and given the charge of the land forces with intention to continue to do the same incase of any threat to the regime change or survival.This saw many former bush or guerilla war veterans dropped in a reshuffle as the killer was promoted, other civilians imprisoned, threatened and silenced wherever they raised any voice to question the excesses of the government.Please copy and paste this link to your browser to access this information in a document of 90 pages that I authored some 9 months ago. As a result I am being followed,thrown out of restaurants and hotels by the agents of the regime and supporters ,harassed and intimidated,threatening my life and that of my son. We are forced to live in hiding away from each other .He cannot work to earn money and I also cannot go to the northern region and north eastern where I am supposed to be carrying out some community,charity work.and Apostolic ministry. As I write my life is in Danger and I need your Prayers. But Giod will protect us from every danger Isaiah 54:17.My son's name which I do not want you to reveal is Baker Solomon Sentamu aged 27. Help me by advocating for peaceful transition of power and get me a way out to seek for Asylum through any western embassies.
1-We demand that a commission of enquiry be appointed and make a report of it's findings in the Kasese massacre public.
2- We demand that the Brigadier General who commanded this ill fated mission be arrested and charged together with the Regional Police commander in the court of law or court Marshal and this new promotion stayed until he is cleared by court.
3-The views of the different security and other political leaders be respected,instead of ignoring them here.
4-The lives of all Ugandan matter and must be valued and accounted for."When you kill a person we kill you " has that stand changed ? The claim in 1986 that past governments had killed people beginning from Nakulabye incident,Kisubi and Lubiri in the 60's was the reason that took him to the bush,has been forgetten.
5-Term limits mus be restored and no President should go beyond two terms however popular he/she may be.
Secondly, let the prison conditions in Uganda be improved because there is a lot of congestion as most facilities were built during the colonial days when the population was still small. view this website, email
"Thou shalt not kill "Exodus 20:13
Rev. Shalom Muwanguzi Nyenje
Shalom Evangelical And Prison Outreach Ministries-SEPRIMI
Please sign this petition help end overstaying in power in Africa and of trampling the constituions and the will of the people.Your signature will help to end this barbaric rule that has seen many African people die in the hands of the people supposed to protect them.
Therefore ,I call upon the members of the International Community to stand with me to stop this ancient trend of leaders imposing themselves as tyrants on the people of Africa.The time to do so is " NOW".
" Thou Shalt not kill " Exodus 20:13
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