Stop Facebook's Animal Cruelty

  • by: Jessica D
  • recipient: Facebook & Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook is a great tool to use for certain occasions. However, some people are using it to gain popularity by taking pictures of themselves mutilating and skinning animals alive. There have been several accounts caught with pictures of people holding bloody, mutilated animals with their thumbs up. Facebook has done nothing about it. Mark Zuckerberg and his team need to report these people to authorities and do something about this problem, since they have the power to help eliminate this animal cruelty. 

Dear Facebook and Mr. Zuckerberg,

It has come to our attention that your popular social network website is being used for some immoral purposes. Several pages have been caught with pictures of people posing with dead, mutilated and suffering animals. People have been caught on facebook with their thumbs up, trying to gain popularity by killing and abusing animals while taking pictures and posting these pictures on facebook. The number of people outraged by these disgusting people and pictures is a big enough number to ruin your business, as these people promise to shut down their accounts if Facebook does nothing about this issue. We want Mark Zuckerberg and his team to find these people and report them to authorities so they can be punished accordingly. We do not want Facbeook to delete these people's accounts. If their accounts are immediately deleted when spotted, they would never get caught. We want their pages advertised so they are known around the world and punished. We have sufficient evidence to show there are too many accounts being made by people who want to post pictures of themselves with animals they have mutilated. Mr. Zuckerberg, please do something about this issue, or you will lose a lot of customers.  

Facebook Users 

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