In 2013 it became official that the "Danish wolves are back, after they had been eliminatede for more than 100years, and in Dec 2013 a group of ppl. found out that these "stray" wolves ppl had seen before now wasn´t "strays" anymore, but actually Denmarks first pack in more than 200years, the experts know because they recorded a "conversation" between 2 adult wolves and 2"cubs" 8-10mth.old. which means that it is the FIRST wolf cubs there are been heard in Denmarks wild for 200years. We really NEED to protect these beautiful animals, the European wolf are trying and has showed that they can live here without taking farmanimals, so there´s no need for hunters to "keep the wolves down". We want to ask our government to make all kind of wolves hunting forbidden, both in Denmark but in all Europe.