Bring back the expanded Child Tax Credit!

In 2021, the expanded Child Tax Credit cut childhood poverty by nearly half, and it did so very cost-effectively – and Republicans in Congress got rid of it.  Tell them to bring it back.

The expanded Child Tax Credit lifted millions of children out of poverty by providing families much needed funds to cover expenses and put food on the table. But at the end of that year, Republicans (joined by Sen. Joe Manchin) allowed the expanded tax credit to expire, and it hasn't been reinstated since. 

The expanded Child Tax Credit helped reduce child poverty by 46 percent! But in 2022, nearly 1 in 5 American households with children were food insecure. 

Bringing back the expanded Child Tax Credit should be a no-brainer! We have clear evidence that it works to fight poverty and food insecurity. We need Congress to make it permanent so families have the support they need. Sign your name to tell Congress: Bring back the expanded Child Tax Credit now!

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